For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS one and only SON, that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life.

Thunder radar more information blitzortung!

Rain radar more information rain snow radar

Current status of the weather systems used in the operation of this website

This station uses Weather Display (-) software for weather conditions reporting

This software runs on a My Computer computer

  Component Status Age
Latest update time as of 
Jul 27 2024 3:47 am 
 Realtime file uploadWD/clientraw.txt NOT Current 10:30:59 0:01:30 
Jul 26 2024 5:16 pm 
 Weather data files uploadWD/tagsWD.txt NOT Current 12:29:56 0:05:30 
Jul 26 2024 3:17 pm 
 Weather data time Jul 27 2024 6:47 am Current -2:-59:-52 Jul 27 2024 6:47 am
 Graphs uploadWD/dirplot.gif NOT Current 10:24:00 1:00:30 
Jul 26 2024 5:23 pm