For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS one and only SON, that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life.

Thunder radar more information blitzortung!

Rain radar more information rain snow radar


Currently: 0, Min: 0, Max: 0
0.0°F  steady

 Extreme Cold 

Feels like: 0°F
  High Low
Today: 0.0°F (7:00 pm) 0.0°F (7:00 pm)
Yesterday: 0.0°F (7:00 pm) 0.0°F (7:00 pm)
Month: 0.0°F (Jan 1) 0.0°F (Jan 1)
Year: 0.0°F (Jan 1) 0.0°F (Jan 1)
Last year: -1766.2°F (7:00 pm) 1830.2°F (7:00 pm)
Station record: 0.0°F () 0.0°F ()


Rain Today:0.00 in

Rain Rate/hr:0.00 in

Yesterday:0.00 in

This Month:0.00 in

Season Total:0.00 in



0.0 mph

0 Bft

0.0 mph

Gust today:
0.0 mph at 7:00 pm


Sun:   sunrise  6:59 am sunset  7:17 pm

Daylight hh:mm 12:18 ( -3 minutes)

Moon:  moonrise  < 00:00 moonset  > 24:00

New Moon,  0% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: steady 0%

Dew Point: steady 0.0°F

Barometer: steady 0.00 inHg

Trend: Steady

Solar Radiation

0 W/m2 (0%)

High: 0 @  none

UV Index more information

Now: 0.0    None 

Max: 0.0 @  7:00 pm

UV Index Forecast 

The UV Index Forecast is currently not available